Immigration and Firearms - 31 Oct 22 Stephens & Bradley Psychology remove brad

Stephens and Bradley
Forensic & Clinical Psychological Services
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Immigration and Firearms

Immigration (VISA) along with NSW Firearms registry matters often involve a variety of assessments as the nuances of each individual case is very specific.
Immigration Matters
Our practice has previously completed immigration assessments relative to S501, Schecule 3 applications, unfit character assessments, risk of future offending and other matters relevant to the Immigration Minister, the AAT and the Federal Court. These areas are often difficult to conduct, without comes very much dependent upon an individuals personal efforts to rehabilitate. Often clients have been incarcerated for many months or years and may not have been provided offender treatment as their risk was deemed too low for them to be included in treatment. The lack of treatment provided by a State Corrective Services organisation is not an excuse as to why an individual has not sought or engaged in appropriate treatment. Remaining in Australia is dependent upon the risk of that individual engaging in a behaviour that may place Australian citizen's in harm. Consequently not engaging in some form of rehabilitation treatment because it was not provided in gaol is often an inappropriate explanantion for not having engaged in treatment.
This Way Up clinic provides a number of online treatment programs individuals can undertake if they are unable to attend a treatment location (immigration detention).
Firearms Matters
Firearms matters require a complete disclosure of the grounds for the suspension/revocation of the firearms licence. The clinician will conduct a clinical assessment, that may involve the administration of various psychological/psychometric inventories and, where relevant, review of collateral information from general practitioners, other professionals and hospital records. It may be the situation the assessment may be unable to provide information that would result in the removal of a suspension or revocation of licence.
Often  a GIPPA application to the NSW Police Force requesting information of events in which you have been subject of can provide significantly important information upon which the NSW Firearms Registry rely upon.
"Good people can do bad things"
"We are more than just our behaviours."
"We teach people how to treat us."
"The mouse can eat the elephant, it just may take a while."
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20 Martin Place,
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Tel:  +61 2 8667 3206
Fax: +61 2 8078 6002
Stephens & Bradley
Suite 28, Level 5
193 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(Opposite NSW Parliament House)

Tel:  +61 2 8667 3206
Fax: +61 2 8078 6002
Forensic & Clinical Psychological Services
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Suite 14, Level 1
39 Market Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
(Next to Wollongong Court House)

Tel:  +61 2 4254 1026
Fax: +61 2 8078 6002
Updated 20.7.2023
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