Clinical Psychology Sydney
Our clinical services include treatment and assessment in:
- Anxiety and related disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) behaviour
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Depression and related disorders
- Loss, grief and bereavement
- Low self esteem and confidence
- Social skills support and assertiveness behaviour
- Separation and divorce
- Sleep difficulties
- Workplace stress and 'burn out'
- Traumatic incident therapy
- Clinical psychological reports
Fees and charges apply depending on the scope of the assessment, the number of face to face sessions conducted as well as the length and scope of the final report. Typically a Psychologist will meet with the client and will administer a series of neuropsychological and personality tests as well as conducting a clinical interview.
A Clinical report provides you or your legal representative with an expert assessment of current functioning, the psychological impact of having suffered injury, the level of injury, and (where appropriate) a prognosis of future treatment and level of functioning.
Extra charges may apply for reports required urgently.